أداة راقية وقوية لتصميم المناظر ثلاثية الأبعاد , الابتكارات المتعددة والوسائط , أيضا لتصور النماذج المحددة والأشياء الحية للمنتج , أو التصميم الصناعي , الطراز المعمار., يتيح لك البرنامج تصميم النماذج المعقدة بشكل غير معقول , أسطح تريز الديناميكية , إعادة البناء والتصميم , الإبداع المستمر والواجهة الرائعة .
Amapi Designer 7 is a high-end tool used for the conception, modeling and assembly of 3D objects and scenes. Creative yet precise, this product lets you produce free-form objects, landscapes, scenery and fictitious characters for illustration, video games and multimedia creations. It is also very powerful for conceiving precise models and life-like objects for product or industrial design, architecture or landscaping.
The advanced modeling possibilities of Amapi Designer 7, including NURBS surfaces, dynamic re-edition of construction parameters, trimmed surfaces, object intersections, make it a powerful modeler that lets you create incredibly complex models.
With its enduring creative approach and exceptional user interface, Amapi Designer 7 is unmatched in its short learning curve and flexibility. A product geared especially to the creative designer, it will please beginners as well as confirmed 3D artists with its speed, ease-of-use, and as an efficient tool that lets you express yourself in 3D.

الحجم 24 ميجا تقريبا